We accept payments via major debit/credit cards using Paypal. You DO NOT need to have a Paypal account to purchase.
USA | 6-8 working days |
From USD 15 (Approximate) - With tracking Based on weight, calculated at check out |
4-6 working days |
From USD 15 (Approximate) - With tracking Based on weight, calculated at check out |
4-6 working days |
From USD 15 (Approximate) - With tracking Based on weight, calculated at check out |
SINGAPORE | 1-4 working days |
ASIA | 4-6 working days |
From USD 6 (Approximate) - With tracking Based on weight, calculated at check out |
REST OF THE WORLD | 6-8 working days |
From USD 15 (Approximate) - With tracking Based on weight, calculated at check out |
It is our responsibility to apply strict quality control checks to make sure the goods shipped out are in good condition, so be rest assured that you will be satisfied with your purchase. Hence we do not accept any exchanges, refunds or returns. However, in the unlikely event that a wrong item is shipped to you, we will exchange the item for the correct one. Please contact us immediately if you received a wrong item. Customers shall bear full responsibility in making sure items mailed back are packed securely and sealed properly. We are not responsible for lost mail with respect to exchanges. We will bear the cost of shipping in cases like these. Goods are subject to availability. If the item is out of stock, you may select another item of equal or lower price.
Please note that confirmed orders made through the system cannot be cancelled. Likewise, payments received cannot be refunded. Please send an email to if any clarification is needed.